Station 19 - Jack will be the sperm donor for Maya and Carina in 'Station 19!!! Season 5 Episode 10 Review ! -
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الجمعة، 4 مارس 2022

Station 19 - Jack will be the sperm donor for Maya and Carina in 'Station 19!!! Season 5 Episode 10 Review !


Station 19 - Jack will be the sperm donor for Maya and Carina in 'Station 19!!!  Season 5 Episode 10 Review !

Station 19 - Jack will be the sperm donor for Maya and Carina in 'Station 19!!!  Season 5 Episode 10 Review !

When it came to Carina and Maya considering a sperm donor, many people predicted that Jack would be at the top of the list. He did, in fact, offer his sperm in the most comically terrible way possible. Jack To Carina: '' If it's sperm your stressing out about, I can give you that. I'm just saying, I go a lot of that, waste a lot of that.'' Carina's treatment of a lesbian pair who had gotten half of Grey Sloan high on marijuana cookies made her consider her options.

It benefits in a lot of ways to have a known sperm donor, but it also complicates things. It would all depend on what kind of family Carina and Maya want.

The group is undeniably close-knit. They're the kind of folks who have created a new family, and their children would be a part of it.

Jack is that man who always wants to be a part of something, and he bounces around from one familial unit to the next. It makes him an excellent prospect, but it might also make him a risky one if he can't set boundaries with this future child who is biologically his. Overall, Carina and Jack have a fascinating connection and get along swimmingly.

 The fans or Let's say ''MARINA'' fans are so mad about it ! 

Fans comments and opinions :

I’m telling you if Carina and Maya use Jack sperm I’m not going to watch the show any longer, this is total bs…
Why would you wan track to be the donor, he’s so stupid you don’t want your kid to be like him.
Also, his acting is worst and worst overacting over physical to many gestures, he distract also from Stefania acting, it looks like he’s making fun of her.
Some actor elevate other people acting, he brings it down, it’s so awkward to watch…
Also Jack is getting more scene with Carina than Mya WTF….
Also Sullivan is just so lucky to always get what he wants to be always at the right place at the right time, wow amazing how could it be(sarcastic)
Also he always takes credits for other I’m telling you if Carina and Maya use Jack sperm I’m not going to watch the show any longer, this is total bs…
Why would you wan track to be the donor, he’s so stupid you don’t want your kid to be like him.
Also, his acting is worst and worst overacting over physical to many gestures, he distract also from Stefania acting, it looks like he’s making fun of her.
Some actor elevate other people acting, he brings it down, it’s so awkward to watch…
Also Jack is getting more scene with Carina than Maya Wat's this ….
Also Sullivan is just so lucky to always get what he wants to be always at the right place at the right time, wow amazing how could it be(sarcastic)
Also he always takes credits for other people jobs
This writing is bs, I just can’t any more people jobs
This writing is not as we wants, I just can’t anymore!


Yeah I found it interesting how the couple from Greys pointed out their child's personality and they wondered if it had to do with their sperm donor. Because that's definitely something to take into consideration.
It's not like Jack is a bad person but yeah...some of things he says & does is definitely questionable. And the way he was talking about doctors in the episode tonight annoyed me. I'm glad Carina pretty much set him straight, but still. Ben is unwatchable at this point and Jack is getting a little annoying so the fact that they're the ones doing the clinic with Carina and that's been all her scenes lately is a struggle. Sometimes it feels like they're pushing a little too hard for Carina & Jack to be friendly. Some of their scenes are funny or nice but sometimes they're just weird. Also you're right about the acting choices Grey's just cringe and hard to watch. I try to ignore his hand movements at this point.


the fact that Carina thought about jack being the sperm donor for like 3 seconds and then started laughing 😭 carina deluca please girl  don't accept !


The only thing I ask from tonight’s episode is that Maya and Carina don’t even consider asking Jack to be the sperm donor that would be some lazy writing just messy.


I think Jack being a sperm donor is exactly the story they're going to pick for Maya and Carina. And that's absolutely terrible.
Jack being baby daddy is not a storyline that would interest me at all. Like I said before, if they’re going to tell this story, make it about Maya and Carina. Make it about the process they have to go through and the decisions they have to make and the difficulties they face. Have Maya face her fears, whatever they may be… it seems they change depending on what sort of mood the writers are in! Have Carina struggle to reconcile her work as an OBGYN with her role as a mother (or wannabe mother).
There is so much they could do with this story without making it about a man and how he fits into their family.
I am approaching this season and this story with trepidation. The writing has been a bit of a mess so far and I hope it gets better. 🤞🏻

You think they’d go for Jack as a sperm donor?

Hmm i don’t know, i’ve seen few things here and there, honestly it wouldn’t surprise me, since they seem to be close now. I’m afraid they would want to create some sort of drama hopefully they are done with external drama (at least people wise) for our favorite couple !! If it’s an anonymous donor it would be better in my opinion .

I wouldn't mind it if they did it like that and just had him be the donor and that's it but I don't trust them to do that. I feel like if Jack was around them and the baby he would just have the urge to be a part of the baby's life, especially since he clearly wants a family of his own and doesn't really have much of anyone right now. Maybe that will change and maybe he will end up finding his foster siblings or something else but I don't know, it's definitely risky and could just end up being another Mark situation, especially since they seem to be pushing this Jack/Carina dynamic and them getting closer lately. It's making me suspicious.


I just can't get excited about this baby story because I think they're going to set Jack up as a father. He doesn't have anyone but the people at the fire station so it would be a way to give him a family. And I think Jack would never accept being just the sperm donor.


No way, they cannot set him up as a father! He can't insert himself as anything more than a sperm donor if they even ask him to be that, which they shouldn't do in the first place. He would have no right to say he should be more, especially after everything that happened between him and Maya. There needs to be boundaries, hello! That's why it's a bad idea to begin with, no matter how over Carina may be with the cheating thing. If he wants a family he should go find his foster siblings or find someone to settle down with, there's no reason to insert him into Maya and Carina's baby storyline.
The major wrong part of having this weird idea of Jack as sperm donor, is not that he could be too much in their life, which is still well wrong too (whoever that would be), but guys jeez, Maya cheated on Carina with HIM and he is her ex, this is BIG yikes NO!! it makes me uncomfortable even thinking about it, how can people even suggest it it's beyond me! Hopefully it stays just within whoever created this weird idea .


It would be more logical for them to use a sperm bank but the writers don't care about that, they'd rather drama than logic so that's the main reason they'd use Jack. It would be disrespectful and totally wrong so even if they try to act like everything is "fine" between Jack and Carina now, it still wouldn't be right for him to be the donor so I just really hope they don't go there. There's plenty of other options!

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