Maya And Carina Complete Each Other / Love At The First Sight! -
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Saturday, December 18, 2021

Maya And Carina Complete Each Other / Love At The First Sight!


“When Carina lived in Italy, had loved nothing quite watching a gorgeous sky filled with stars and not having the ability to try to to so on such a transparent winter’s night t momentarily filled her with a way of disappointment.
“The night isn’t the sole thing that’s beautiful” Maya replied, her eyes focused solely on Carina as she spoke, spurred on by a mix of whiskey and excitement. Something about the opposite woman had completely captivated her attention and it had been impossible for Maya to not feel excited about where their night may lead. Maya was hopeful that it might end with the 2 of them in bed together, or maybe on the couch or floor, so when Carina simply laughed in response, she worried that she’d just blown her chances completely.
“That wasn't slick” Carina stated, turning her attention from the sky back to Maya, her amused smile sent a shiver down Maya’s back. All through the night whenever Carina had checked out her and smiled, Maya had felt as if the opposite woman was seeing parts of her that no-one else had before and she or he couldn’t decipher whether that was exhilarating or terrifying.
All she did know was that Carina DeLuca had a very pretty smile.
“I faced down a bear today, you've got to forgive me for not being on top of my game” Maya replied, folding her arms across her chest defensively albeit an amused smile played on her lips. This could be stupid and dangerous, getting involved someone like Carina at a time like this, but Maya was a fireplace captain for crying aloud , to her danger was an attractive quality.
“So you’re saying you’re a lot better at flirting than this?” Carina asked, taking a breakthrough in order that hardly any space existed between her and Maya. The entire night had been resulting in this moment and Carina said a silent prayer that Maya would be willing to travel along side how she wanted it all to play out. A first kiss should be something memorable, something beautiful, and Carina wasn’t particularly within the mood to accept anything less.
Even if this was only going to be something that lasted one night, Carina already knew that she’d never want to forget Maya Bishop.
“Oh, absolutely” Maya nodded, surprising herself when her arms found their way around Carina’s neck as if she was daring the opposite woman to tug her closer. It didn’t take long for Carina’s hands to seek out their thanks to Maya’s waist and therefore the simple touch almost felt like an eclectic shock, a cliche that Maya had never believed in up until that moment “I are often quite charming”
“I don’t doubt that for a second but...” Carina trailed off, her gaze dropping from Maya’s eyes to her lips for the briefest of seconds “Why don’t we stop talking for now and you'll just kiss me instead?”
Instead of answering verbally, Maya leaned in and joined her lips with Carina’s a bit like the opposite woman wanted her to try to to . Initially, the kiss was awkward, both of them scrambling to seek out their groove but once that they had they melted into the other’s touch. Maya’s lips curved upwards into a flirtatious smirk once they broke apart, any exhaustion that she may have felt earlier within the night completely forgotten “So are we going to continue this at my place or yours?”

“You didn’t need to cook” Carina pushed the food around her plate, looking at it as though she was questioning its entire existence. Maya bit her lower lip before Carina continued, she should’ve known that her efforts within the kitchen wouldn’t are appreciated by Carina. Maya had often joked that Carina could retrain as a chef if she was ever to urge disgusted being a doctor, given the opposite woman’s diary in the kitchen but an equivalent couldn't are said about Maya. She simply wasn't a culinary whiz like her girlfriend “I would’ve been proud of take-out you know…”

“I know” Maya admitted with alittle nod, pushing her own plate faraway from her, wondering if the entire idea of wining and dining with Carina for his or her date night was a good idea. It wasn’t love it would magically fix all that was broken between them “I just wanted to point out you that i used to be making an attempt , that I cared about you”
“I get that but I’m starting to worry that we’re going about this whole thing wrong” Carina admitted, a joke about how Maya’s approach to showing her that she cared shouldn’t involve giving them both gastrointestinal disorder dying on the tip of her tongue. This wasn’t a type for jokes. Maya cocked her head to the side in confusion, willing her girlfriend to elucidate herself further “I don’t think homecooked dinners and rules about who you'll and can’t speak to are getting to make me forget what happened”

“Then what will? you recognize I’ll do anything” Maya asked, hoping that she was just one of them who could hear the fear that her voice was laced with. Something about the way that Carina was speaking was making her wonder if the opposite woman was regretting giving her a second chance. Maya had just realized that she loved Carina, she didn’t know what she’d do if Carina was getting to call the entire thing off.
Maya was certain that she wouldn’t be ready to function without her.
“I think that perhaps you ought to kiss me” Carina replied, sounding uncharacteristically
unsure of herself as she spoke. Maya had never known the opposite woman to be anything but confident in her every word and her every move, seeing her act with even an oz of uncertainty caused her heart to interrupt a touch more. She hated herself, and Jack to a particular extent, for causing Carina such a lot pain, she was the last one that deserved it.
“Are you sure you want me to?” Maya asked hesitantly, staying rooted firmly in her chair albeit she wanted nothing quite to leap across the table and catch Carina’s lips during a kiss. She needed to make certain that it had been truly what Carina wanted. Of course, that they had kissed after declaring their love for each other at the hospital but once the euphoric joy caused by their reunion had faded and that they had talked everything out, they’d been slow to do it again.
With their emotions in tatters, the physical aspect of their relationship had truly faded to the rear of their minds.
“Yes,” Carina nodded before pushing her chair backwards and standing up, waiting for Maya to do the same before she spoke again “I’ve been missing your lips on mine for too long, kiss me and make me forget that you’ve ever kissed anyone else”
“That looks like tons of pressure for only one kiss” Maya commented, moving in order that she was standing ahead of Carina. Maya felt her breath catch in her throat when the opposite woman reached forward and tentatively tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, wondering how Carina could still have such an impact on her in any case this point of them knowing each other .
“Who said I only wanted one kiss?”

The mattress in Maya's apartment had always been far softer than the one at Carina's, which was one among the various reasons that it made sense to maneuver into Maya's place instead of hers. Other reasons were the very fact that it had been the right distance between both the station and therefore the refore the hospital and the fact it had been the place that both of them considered home already after spending most nights there already pre-pandemic. Carina felt her entire body relax as she sunk deeper into the mattress not carina about the breathy sigh that escaped her lips “God, I even have missed this”
“Are you talking about my mattress or me unbuttoning your jeans?” Maya asked, amusement evident in her tone as she teased Carina. Maya wasn't during a rush, if she was Carina’s jeans and panties would have already got joined her shirt on the ground and was revelling within the chance to let her fingers make gentle work of the zipper and button. Waiting for her girlfriend’s touch was agony to Carina who was already fixing Maya’s hand but she avoided saying anything, knowing her patience would definitely be rewarded by Maya in due course.
“I’ll allow you to choose” Carina’s soft small turned to a devilish grin once Maya’s fingers grabbed the waistband of her jeans and pulled them down in one effortless manoeuvre. Maya simply returned the grin before climbing abreast of the bed in order that she was straddling Carina and searching down on her as if she was being served up to her on a platter once they were face to face with each other .
“You really are beautiful, you recognize that right?”
“It’s been said before” Carina replied, contemplating for the briefest of moments whether or not she should attempt to flip them around in order that she was the one on top of Maya. Usually, the 2 of them enjoyed a back and forth for a touch before getting right down to business but after weeks of not seeing each other , Carina wasn’t sure she would be ready to get through the foreplay without crumbling “Now are we getting to keep talking or are you getting to kiss me?”
“Where should I kiss you though? That’s a really important question” Maya replied, pensively. Her gaze shifting to varied parts of Carina’s body as she continued to talk , almost as if she was trying to recollect every single inch of her girlfriend’s body “Your cheek? Your lips? Your neck? I just have numerous choices right now”
“Why choose just one when you can have them all?” Carina asked, wishing that Maya would just hurry up and kiss her. She’d never felt this amount of looking for anything or anyone before, a incontrovertible fact that only reconfirmed something she already knew, Maya truly was something special “I have spent weeks missing you. Weeks in my bed with only a couple of toys and a few memories to stay me occupied while i assumed about your lips, your breasts, your ass. I have been wishing to possess you near me for therefore long that i want you to offer me your full attention tonight, bella”
“Wow” Maya let out a gentle moaan as images of Carina pleasuring herself entered her mind. Maya paused before she lowered herself in order that she could place a chaste kiss on Carina’s lips, smiling when it had the specified effect of creating Carina let loose an impatient whimper “I am so glad that you moved in, I don’t know how much longer I would have survived without being able to touch you like this”
“I’m glad that we won’t need to worry that ever again, I’m not planning on going anywhere”
Sitting in silence within the parking zone of the airport wasn’t exactly how Carina and Maya wanted to celebrate their engagement. They would’ve preferred to be celebrating at their apartment surrounded by friends, drinking booze and dancing during a way that boarded on inappropriate or amidst the throws of passion in their bed, whispering what proportion they beloved another in between kisses.
There were numerous better ways to celebrate their engagement than saying goodbye for 6 weeks. It saddened them both that none of these some ways were possible though.

“I don’t skills to try to to this” Maya admitted during a small voice, her eyes trained forward instead of on the lady beside her. Maya was aware that Carina was watching her but she couldn’t face her finance, she did want Carina’s last memory of her before they parted ways to be of her crying. Maya knew she needed to remain strong for Carina’s sake, she could cry once she was sure that the opposite woman was gone.

“Do what, Bella?” Carina asked softly. albeit she was certain she knew what Maya was getting to say as she placed her hand on her arm, wanting to touch her again before she had to go away . Her flight was boarding soon and although Carina hated rushing through the airport, she knew that she’d not regret spending these extra moments with Maya.
She’d never regret the time spent that with Maya.

“I don’t skills to mention goodbye to you” Maya replied, finally giving in and turning to seem at Carina once her simple touch had caused electricity to pulse through her body. Some might think that the spark she felt at the tough was just a results of being a newly engaged couple but in fact , Maya had felt sparks flow through her body whenever Carina such a lot as checked out her from the very first night that they’d met “I know it’s only six weeks but I don’t skills to inform you goodbye or properly explain what proportion I’m getting to miss you, Carina”

“Then don’t tell me” Carina replied, surprising Maya by letting a silent tear fall from her eyes. Carina was often so stoic that Maya had never imagined that she would see the opposite woman cry in such a public space, it had been enough to send her over the sting and she or he smiled despite the very fact she could feel her only tears begin to fall. Only someone so important could fire up feelings this intense “Just kiss me, you'll show me rather than telling me”
“You’re very smart” Maya commented, leaning during a nd catching Carina’s lips in a kiss. it had been a wierd kind of kiss, the extreme kind that neither of them wanted to interrupt aside from , and Maya sighed sadly once it had been over “Six weeks, it’s just six weeks. we will do that , right?”
“Right” Carina nodded, leaning in in order that she could kiss Maya once more before she had to go away the thought of paying four weeks in Italy and of your time |period"> fortnight in quarantine was certainly better than the thought of paying an uncertain amount of time there without Maya but if Carina was being honest, six weeks without seeing the opposite woman face to face still felt like far too long “We’re getting to be just fine”
“I don’t realize that...”
“Trust me, we'll be” Carina nodded, her voice so firm that Maya was forced to believe her “We’ll call and text and Facetime a day , we’re getting to be just fine Bella”
“We can’t roll in the hay back here” Maya whispered to Carina once her wife had pulled into the office. Her wife. It still felt so surreal to consider Carina as that, Maya knew that made sense considering the very fact they’d only been married a complete of two hours but still, she couldn’t imagine that it might ever feel real. She had gotten lucky enough to marry Carina DeLuca, the truth of that might never fully sink in.
“We’re not getting to roll in the hay here” Carina shook her head, unable to prevent a giddy giggle escaping her lips. All-day Carina had felt sort of a child on a sugar high and although she knew that she’d likely crash soon, Carina decided to enjoy every second of their day .

“We’re not?” Maya asked, the disappointed expression that flashed across her face causing Carina to guffaw “What are we doing back here then?”
“I just wanted to require a moment faraway from your Mama’s crying and Vic and Andy’s dancing, I wanted a moment with you” Carina admitted as her giddy grin transformed into a loving smile “I’m so pleased with you for what you probably did today, telling your parents about us was an enormous step. I’m so proud to call you my wife for therefore many reasons Maya”
“I’m proud to call you my wife too” Maya admitted, throwing her arms around Carina’s neck a bit like she had done the primary night that they met. Carina’s hands instinctively found their way to Maya’s waist and they shared a smile, realizing that the other was also reminiscing about the first night that they had met “Even if it feels totally weird to call you that, my wife”
“Good weird though, right?” Carina asked, despite already knowing the answer. She and Maya had barely gotten wont to calling one another fianceés, the very fact that they had transitioned to wives so quickly was certainly getting to take some adjusting to.

“Yeah, it’s an honest quite weird” Maya nodded, letting her body sway to the music that she could still hear thumping from the speakers call at the restaurant. The office within the back wasn’t the foremost romantic location for them to share this moment but Maya wouldn’t have had it the other way “You know a part of me still thinks I’m going to wake up in the bunks and learn that all this is just a dream?”
“Really” Maya confirmed. If she was admitting this to anyone else, she’d feel foolish but she’d learned a long time ago that she could be herself around Carina “Sometimes the fact I met you doesn’t even feel real, let alone the fact that we fell in love and are now married”

“I think I know a way to prove to you that this is real…” Carina replied, leaning in so that she was resting her forehead on Maya’s “You could kiss me and realize that this is often real, that I’m your wife and your mine”
“That’s one among the simplest plans that I’ve heard all day” Maya let the words tumble from her mouth quickly before she leaned in closer and joined their lips. As always, she tasted a faint taste of cherry on Carina’s lips and smiled once they broke apart and rested their foreheads on each other’s once more . There was nothing more exciting to her at that moment quite the thought of tasting cherry on her wife’s lips for the remainder of her life “I love you Carina DeLuca”

“I love you too Maya Bishop” “Oh god, I’m so sorry that I’m late” Maya announced upon entering the room that she’d been informed her wife was in. A mix of overwhelming emotions washed over her once she met her wife’s eyes “There was a fireplace and that i couldn’t escape , I’m so sorry” “It doesn’t matter you’re here now” Jo replied, smiling at how quickly Maya had crossed the space in order that she could join her wife’s side, upon realizing Carina couldn’t answer as another contraction began. Maya quickly took Carina’s hands in hers, realizing that her wife was struggling to breathe through it and barely winced as Carina squeezed her hands so badly. Having nails digging into her skin probably didn’t even match an oz of the pain that Carina was experiencing at that moment and Maya knew much better than to complain about it.

“Is there anything you can give her?” Maya asked, hoping that her voice was as calm as she hoped it had been . The last item she wanted was for Carina to think she was worried as she continued to specialise in breathing through the contraction “She’s clearly in pain Wilson!”

“I’ve already given her all the medication that I can” Jo replied, feeling guilty for the very fact that there was nothing more that she could do for Carina in terms of pain management. Carina let loose a string of Italian that both Maya and Jo recognised as curse words and shared a helpless look with each other , there was nothing that would properly prepare someone for the thrill of childbirth “Their stats, both the baby’s and Carina’s, are great. It’s merely a scheme now and that we just need to confirm that both Mama and baby stay comfortable” .

“None of this is comfortable” Carina hissed. She knew that as soon as this was everywhere and she or he held her baby boy in her arms that she’d be saying the pain was worthwhile but right now she didn’t particularly desire that specialize in that foresight “This pain is such a lot worse than anyone ever told me…”

“Kiss me” Maya blurted, causing Carina to show to her in complete confusion. She didn’t feel in any way sexy or beautiful as monitors beeped round her and parts of her body that she’d rather keep private were exposed to someone that she considered her friend so Maya’s declaration really had caught her off guard. It was even stranger that Maya didn’t even seem to be trying to backtrack or explain herself, it had been almost as if she thought Carina should get on the exact same page as her “You got to kiss me immediately Carina, I’m serious”
“What? Why?”

“Oxytocin is natural pain relief” Maya replied, beaming proudly as if she was a toddler who’d just won a science fair. She remembered that Carina had recounted a tale about someone who’d received nipple stimulation as a sort of pain relief during birth one night when they’d been reading pregnancy books together, at the time it had surprised Maya that such a thing was possible but now it felt like some pretty useful information to have “Kissing me might help make this whole thing a lot more comfortable although I am willing to do a lot more if you need me to...”

“Can we blame my pregnancy brain for not thinking of that myself?” Carina asked with a little chuckle, smiling when Maya leaned in and kissed her with the maximum amount passion as she would the other time of the day. Something about the way hew wife seemingly didn’t care about the sweat dripping down her face or her messy hair filled Carina with a way of happiness that she’d not expected, she truly was married to the foremost amazing woman. Maya grinned once broke apart, something about the fact she could ease some of Carina’s pain with a kiss filling her with pride.
“Did that help?”
“More than you’ll ever know”

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